Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Friends, Influence, and Leadership P1: Let's Handle People the Right Way!

One book that I wished I have read earlier in my life is "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie. I never really considered reading this book as, for me, was too old (meaning published before the 1950s) and might be outdated with today's modern society (by that, I mean the 2010s if you're reading this in the future). I thought, I've read Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich (a book also published before the 50s) and I've learned a lot of things from that book, might as well read Carnegie's. As I opened every page of this wonderful book, I only had resentment towards myself for not reading it earlier in my life. Truly it help my perspective in looking at people. I would definitely recommend this for everyone. 

As for the purpose of this post, it is entitled Friends, Influence, and Leadership P1 since this will be a first part summary of what Carnegie has taught in that book conveniently listed for the ease of the readers. The first part will be about Handling People. I'm sure a lot of us don't really have the people skills that are apparent in others. But in actuality, we do have those skills, we just need proper and constant guidance and  concepts that are simple enough yet never came to our minds (or hesitant to do) to apply.

Carnegie presented 3 principles in handling people.

Principle 1 - Don't criticize, condemn, or complain.
You can probably call humans as naturally egotistic species and won't easily admit mistakes (we do, but it does pain us to do so). When someone criticizes us, most of us go on the defense and spite the critic. Complaining also will not persuade anyone in doing anything.Condemning? Don't even try.

Principle 2 - Give honest and sincere appreciation. 
Complaining is abundant in this world that we live in and appreciation is something of a rarity. Not a lot of people think it is one of the most powerful tools in this world. Try telling a janitor that he is not doing a good job and he will not work to his full potential because of being unappreciated. Now try praising that janitor and he will clean the whole room like germs don't exist in this world. But of course, you have to be sincere in giving appreciation. Add it with meaning and love or else it is just lip service.

Principle 3 - Arouse in the other person an eager want. 
Basically it is not thinking only of your own interests but others as well. Make it a Win-Win situation for the both of you. If you are selling something tell him what he wants. Don't tell him what you want. He has no interests in what you want.

I hope you learn from this article. If you want to get a copy of How to Win Friends and Influence People you can shop for it online or go to your nearest bookstore. I hope this helps.


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