Personal Growth

As people living in this world, we should really strive to be better for ourselves, family, community and the environment.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Friends, Influence, and Leadership P1: Let's Handle People the Right Way!

One book that I wished I have read earlier in my life is "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie. I never really considered reading this book as, for me, was too old (meaning published before the 1950s) and might be outdated with today's modern society (by that, I mean the 2010s if you're reading this in the future). I thought, I've read Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich (a book also published before the 50s) and I've...

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Difference between Increase Income vs Increase Cash Flow

Johnny Marasigan was happy. It was pay day. 2 weeks before that his boss told him his salary had increased due to his exceptional performance in his department and tenure in the company that is on going for 5 years. His Salary of ₱25,000 became ₱30,000. "Finally!" he says in relief, "I can finally save money!" as he could not save money in his previous salary because of a mix of expenses and lifestyle. His spending habits would equate...