Personal Growth

As people living in this world, we should really strive to be better for ourselves, family, community and the environment.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

The Rule of 72

Many know the name Albert Einstein. Not Miley Cyrus. Known as the father of modern physics, His contributions has greatly improved the field of science such as The Theory of Relativity and The Theory of Special Relativity. Could easily be one of the greatest man that ever lived. But what does Albert Einstein got to do with finances? It has something to do with his discovery of the rule of 72. What is the rule of 72? The rule of 72 lets...

Monday, March 30, 2015

The X-Curve Concept of Wealth and Responsibility

As we go out of college and into the long queue that is the unemployment line and then the employment world, most of us don't really know the responsibility that we hold until, you know, you have a wife/husband, kids, retiring parents, electricity bills, water bills, healthcare for your own and family, life insurance, college for children, food, shelter, and other things that involves burning holes in your pockets. It...

Friday, February 6, 2015

What Type of Life Insurance Should You Get?

Now I'm going to be frank here and just blurt out that I don't drink coffee, I am an introvert, I read a lot of books and I think about what life would be like without Nutella.  Horrible! That's what it is. Also, I'm on the side of getting a term life insurance rather than getting those life insurances with investments in them (I'm looking at you VUL and Whole Life). I just basically...

Thursday, January 22, 2015

The DIME Method I'll give you a scenario: Mr. A has two children not yet in their school years. To plan for his kids' college education, he has to earn Php 1,000,000 million pesos for each child which accumulates to Php 2,000,000. He just recently acquired a PAG-IBIG loan for the new house that he bought worth Php 1,000,000. He earns Php 300,000 a year. He also has an astonishing debt of Php 100,000 from his friendly neighborhood...