Personal Growth

As people living in this world, we should really strive to be better for ourselves, family, community and the environment.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Solutions for your Debt

I posted Causes for Heavy Debt, now I'm going to post a dog eating a cat. "Helps me human!" Oh, and solutions for your debt. 1) Create your Budget and STRICTLY follow it - "Well, duh. This is so freaking obvious." It might be but some people still lack the sense that seems common to you, imaginary-character-that-I-just-made-up-in-my-head. Don't go all spending your money the moment your pay day comes. Manage your money first...

Monday, September 8, 2014

Causes of Heavy Debt

A lot of people don't realize these symptoms that can cause heavy debt. Sometimes, they do realize it but they just don't know any other way for their finances. Let's check if you have some of the dreaded symptoms of Heavy Debtitis. 1) Spend More than They Earn - a lot of people have the lifestyle of the rich but the salary of the poor. Too much nightlife, Not pictured: Social Interaction eating out all the time, money for their...