Personal Growth

As people living in this world, we should really strive to be better for ourselves, family, community and the environment.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

IMG and the Wealth Academy

One problem that I have with the Philippine education system is that we are not taught how to be financially literate. In college, we are only taught on how to be a good employee and after that... that's it. You're on your own, kid. We know how to work for the money but don't know how money works for us. Most of us learn our finances through our parents and majority of them will say that it's good to put your savings in the bank only and (the sad...

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Financially Taught by IMG

Appropriately, my first post would be related to the company called International Marketing Group and its Wealth Academy since they made me gain interest and knowledge about finances. But before I introduce to you this company, I would like to tell about myself first on how I started my journey to financial freedom. When I was fresh out of college and into to the unemployment line, I asked myself this question: "How do I make my money into a million?" I...