Personal Growth

As people living in this world, we should really strive to be better for ourselves, family, community and the environment.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Five Types of Goal-Setters

The New Year is coming and you're probably writing down your New Year's Resolution. The popular ones that people usually write about are love, health and diet to make them feel better about themselves, kicking out of a bad habit (smoking, drinking, stealing someone's belongings, etc.), and money (or anything related to it). You want to achieve these goals for the next year and pray to God (or Xenu, if you're that weird Scientology dude/troll I've...

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Solutions for your Debt

I posted Causes for Heavy Debt, now I'm going to post a dog eating a cat. "Helps me human!" Oh, and solutions for your debt. 1) Create your Budget and STRICTLY follow it - "Well, duh. This is so freaking obvious." It might be but some people still lack the sense that seems common to you, imaginary-character-that-I-just-made-up-in-my-head. Don't go all spending your money the moment your pay day comes. Manage your money first...

Monday, September 8, 2014

Causes of Heavy Debt

A lot of people don't realize these symptoms that can cause heavy debt. Sometimes, they do realize it but they just don't know any other way for their finances. Let's check if you have some of the dreaded symptoms of Heavy Debtitis. 1) Spend More than They Earn - a lot of people have the lifestyle of the rich but the salary of the poor. Too much nightlife, Not pictured: Social Interaction eating out all the time, money for their...

Sunday, August 31, 2014

5 Things to Have Before Investing

I know I told you in a last post that I'm going to teach you on how to invest; but before you do that, let's talk about the prerequisites of investing first. 1) Healthcare and Life Insurance - basically, this is for security purposes in case something happens to you. Know that this is not for you but for your family. You invested and suddenly died, your investment becomes funds for your funeral, paying off estate taxes, any existing debts,...

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Why Your Savings Account is not Safe for Your Long Term Goals

I'll ask you this: Do you have dreams in the future? Like a car, a house, proper education for your kids in college, travel around the world, or a helicopter equipped with laser cannons and gatling guns. Now, unless you won your dreams in a contest or someone really generous gave it to you, you will never get it instantly. You'll probably have to wait for years before you get the amount of money for your dreams. A lot of people would actually save that money in a savings account because it's "safer" than putting it in investments. I would agree...

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

5 Tips on Lessening Your Expenses 1. Make a List before shopping - this will help you discipline yourself in buying stuff especially in groceries. Imagine yourself shopping: You stare at that large pack of potato chips and you know you want it. You could imagine it in your mouth. You're about to grab it--until you remembered you have a list. You scanned your list for potato chips and none appeared. Then you shout at the top of your lungs: "Stay away from...

Sunday, August 10, 2014

How Faith Helps You In Achieving What You Want

FAITH is the "external elixir" which gives life, power and action to the impulse of thought! FAITH is the starting point of all accumulation of riches! FAITH is the basis of all "miracles" and mysteries that cannot be analyzed by the rules of science! FAITH is the only known antidote to FAILURE! FAITH is the element, the "chemical" which, when mixed with prayer, gives one direct communication with Infinite Intelligence. FAITH is the element that transforms the ordinary vibration of thought, created by finite mind of man, into the spiritual...

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

My Own Jar System

I actually came across the Jar System before I was even interested in finances... when I was in college... where my only financial problem was how to play DOTA in the internet cafe... where I was also flat out broke. College life without income to summarize it. What was I talking about? Oh yes, Jar System. Jar system is a money management system that allocates your money on certain things. This was invented by T. Harv Eker and has been adopted by some local personalities like Miriam Quiambao and Bo Sanchez. At first, the allocation of percentage...

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

IMG and the Wealth Academy

One problem that I have with the Philippine education system is that we are not taught how to be financially literate. In college, we are only taught on how to be a good employee and after that... that's it. You're on your own, kid. We know how to work for the money but don't know how money works for us. Most of us learn our finances through our parents and majority of them will say that it's good to put your savings in the bank only and (the sad...

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Financially Taught by IMG

Appropriately, my first post would be related to the company called International Marketing Group and its Wealth Academy since they made me gain interest and knowledge about finances. But before I introduce to you this company, I would like to tell about myself first on how I started my journey to financial freedom. When I was fresh out of college and into to the unemployment line, I asked myself this question: "How do I make my money into a million?" I...